Please be advised that the following is general information only – any further steps should be taken after a discussion with a doctor with respect to an individual’s personal situation.

Australia’s Vaccination Strategy
We are currently in Phase 2B of the vaccine rollout, which means that anyone:
a. Aged over 50 or
b. Younger adults with health conditions i.e. kidney disease, kidney transplants and receiving dialysis.
- can be vaccinated, as they are in a priority group.
The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, the Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand, and Kidney Health Australia all suggest that those with kidney disease be vaccinated as soon as possible. That said, the vaccines available have not been extensively tested for patients in dialysis or with transplants.
Booking Your Vaccination
COVID-19 Vaccines are generally available at local GPs and Vaccination Hubs. For booking, please visit the Victorian Vaccination Centre page to find your closest vaccine centre, then book by calling 1800 675 398.
Further Information
For further information about kidney disease and COVID-19, please visit this Kidney Health Australia page.
For further information about transplants and COVID-19, please visit this statement from the Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand.
This article has been adapted from a media release by Kidney Health Australia.